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时间:2023-03-06 18:20:06 来源:网友投稿

托福考试听力真题回顾1  PartB  Question31-33  W:Hi,Ed.Lookslikeyouwerehereearly.  M:Yeah.Classdoesntstartfora下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度托福考试听力真题回顾,菁选2篇,供大家参考。



  Part B

  Question 31-33

  W: Hi, Ed. Looks like you were here early.

  M: Yeah. Class doesn"t start for a ten more minutes, so I put up the novel I’m reading.

  W: What is it?

  M: It is called Sister Carrie. It is about a woman named Carrie who leaves her country home to earn a living in Chicago and New York.

  W: Oh, I"ve studied Theodore Dreiser(美国小说家). His work is a little depressing, but I like him, even though his characters always get in trouble. He tricks them with sympathy. How do you like Sister Carrie?

  M: It"s not what I expected. On the back cover it says the book created a lot of controversy when it was first published in 1900. It even says the publisher withdrew out from market after only 500 copies were sold. But I don"t see why.

  W: Well. The novel might not be shocking by our standards but it sure created a stir then. Think about what Carrie does. She leaves her country home and gets caught up in some personal scandals in the city. Now most other authors of that time would have punished the character to provide a moral lesson, but Dreiser has Carrie become a successful actress at the end.

  M: Wow, that puts the story in a different perspective. I bet Dreiser must have been discouraged when the publisher took it off from market.

  W: He sure was. He stopped writing fictions for a while and did work as a journalist and an editor.

  M: Well, how did the book become recognized?

  W: Some British reviewers praised the novel and then another publisher released it in 1907. Eventually people recognized the novel for its realism and Dreiser went on to write other successful works.

  31. What is the conversation mainly about?

  32. According to the woman, how is Sister Carrie different from other novels at its time?

  33. How did Sister Carrie eventually gain recognition?


  M: Before we began today"s topic, I"d like to review the phases of child language acquisition that we went over yesterday. Who"d like to summarize for us? Yes, Lisa.

  W: Well, first of all, you said that new-borns only make rudimentary vocalizations because the voice box isn"t in position for speech yet. But that at about three month of age baby starts to utter the first sounds that resemble language sounds. The sounds of consonants like "k" and "g".

  M: That"s right. And after this stage come the meaningless syllables, a consonant followed by a vowel. For example, the "*" sounds. And at the next stage comes a real breakthrough. Can you tell us about that, Lisa?

  W: Well, between six months and one year of age, babies begin to associate sounds with meaning. So, when you say "dog", they know you"re referring to the four-legged animal that is their house pet. At this stage they start to build a vocabulary. And in a matter of month they are learning ten to twenty new words a day. This vocabulary growth continues until adolescents.

  M: Right. And isn’t it amazing that by the time children are two or three years old they are stringing sentences together? Certainly no one would dispute that children had a tremendous capacity for learning language, what linguists are still trying to determine is how this language acquisition takes place.

  34. What is the class mainly discussing?

  35. Why does the student mention the sound "k" and "g"?

  36. According to the student, why are the news born not able to make language like sounds?

  37. According to the discussion, when the vocabulary growth first starts to increase dramatically?

  38. According to the discussion, what do the linguists still not know?
















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