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时间:2023-03-03 10:50:03 来源:网友投稿

省钱的大学生英语作文1  BeaTrulySmartConsumer  Socialandeconomicdevelopmenttodayhasnotonlybroughtusnewkindsofg下面是小编为大家整理的省钱大学生英语作文,菁选2篇(完整),供大家参考。



  Be a Truly Smart Consumer

  Social and economic development today has not only brought us new kinds of goods and services, but also greatly changed the way we buy goods and services. As students mostly rely on their families, along with the increasing pressure of daily life, they are more careful with their money: they collect all kinds of coupons, look for group-buy deals for eating and travelling, and buy clothes only on sale. For most people, this seems to be a smart way of enjoying better life at less expense. For me, however, this may not make us become smart buyers.


  I think such habits as buying with coupons or in the form of group-buy deals will easily result in overbuying and blind consumption. Buyers tend to think that coupons and group-buy deals give them a great advantage of saving money. It is praiseworthy that students choose to buy something they’re really in need of in such a way. But most of time, it is hard for them to refrain from being tempted to buy things offered at a tempting discount. The ultimate result is that they spend more money than they have planned before and harvest a heap of what they don’t really need.


  All in all, we should buy things out of necessity and ration instead of impulse. Don’t be confounded with lust and greed when seeing much cheaper things. Look before you leap. Only in this way can we be a truly smart consumer.



  Living in Campus or in a Rented Flat

  For many collegians, they are tending to live in a rented flat when they are in university in order to have more personal space. This situation has attracted many people’s attention. Some people support the previous ideas for they are convincing that students are adults and they need privacy. Others hold that students shouldn"t rent a flat because most collegians can’t support themselves economically. Well, for my opinion, I don’t think students should rent a flat when they are in college.

  对于许多的大学生来说,他们更倾向于在大学期间在外面租房子住,为了能够得到更多的私人空间。 这种现象引起了很多人的关注。一些人支持这些学生的做法,他们认为大学生已经成年,需要有自己的隐私。一些人认为学生不应该租房住,因为学生不能够在经济上独立。 在我看来,我也认为学生在校期间不应该在外面租房住。

  Firstly, Living in dormitory is safer than living in a rented flat. Comparing to the other community, college is a relatively safe place because people are not so complex in college than people outside the college. So it is a better place for students to living on campus than stay in a rented flat.


  Secondly, stay in college can save money. As collegians, they don’t have jobs to support themselves, so they should try to save money and stay in dormitory instead of spending money on renting a flat.


  Thirdly, living on campus can save lots of time to study. Students living in college don’t have to run back and forth between college and a rented apartment. Therefore, they can have more time to study.


  From the above reasons, we can conclude that living on campus would be a priority to students for the benefits of keeping themselves safe, saving a big amount of money and time.


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