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时间:2023-02-11 08:00:09 来源:网友投稿



  Sharp tools make good work.以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2020年9月公共英语考试pets2阅读理解在线测试题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!

    Email Announcement Weekly

  University libraries to be closed for day on Friday

  All university libraries will be closed from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. on Friday Aug.10. The closure will allow librarians to complete various tasks to prepare for the coming fall term. Library users are asked to change their study or research plans around this short closure.

  Bring your old films to Home Movie Day

  Find your old home movies and bring them to Home Movie Day from 1-5 p. m. Saturday Aug.11. The free event at Will' s Campbell Hall, 300 N. Goodwin, includes a clinic on caring for old films. and continuous showing of movies brought in by students like you. Sponsors 主办者 are WILL and the U of C Library.

  Ireland garden tour set for June 2008

  The public is invited to join Illinois Master Gardeners on a trip to visit popular public gardens and castles in Ireland. The tour June 2-12, 2008 also includes several personal gardens as well as free time to find more. Bookings due Sept. 15. For trip introduction and booking information. please visit travels. uiui. edu/mgl.

  52.To whomis the first email announcement probably sent?

  A.International tourist

  B.University peopl

  C.The general publi

  D.Movie lover

  53.What do people do on Home Movie Day?

  A.They watch old movies at hom

  B.They give away old movies for fre

  C.They share home movies with other

  D.They show movies at the U of C librar

  54.People need to book the Ireland trip______.

  A.by Sep 15, 2007

  B.on Sep 15, 2007

  C.between June 2-12, 2008"

  D.after June 12, 2008

  55.What can people do at Campbell Hall?

  A.Learn how ωtake care of old movie

  B.Visit a clinic to get advice on healt

  C.Get information for free even

  D.Plan their study and researc





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